Xen Sirgime
Agim Gashi, also known as “SirGime”, was born and raised in Toronto, Ontario.
His passion for gaming started at an early age, when his father gifted him an Xbox 360 with Call of Duty 4 and Halo 2 at the age of 9. He quickly mastered the games and would beat his older cousins on the daily, being accused of screen peaking way before being accused of hacking in the present day.
He attended Ryerson University where he graduated with a major in finance… this has directly contributed to his KD on Call of Duty.
Agim first started streaming during covid like most and quickly realized this is something he loved to do and needed to pursue. Streaming proved to be challenging, countless months with no growth accompanied by being constantly told he had no chance nearly made him give up on his dream. However, 2 years later, he was finally able to become a full time content creator, living the dream that 9 year old Agim was told was impossible.