Talent Acquisition
Xen Lvk0
Damiano "Lvk0" Lucignano is 29 years old, born and raised in New Jersey.
Lvk0 is commonly known as "LV" within the gaming community and has been competing in online video games since the age of 12 years old.
He Previously streamed 1800 days in a row consecutively on Twitch without taking a day off for himself, which no doubt shows his dedication and perseverance to become successful in this space.
LV has competed at the highest stage in Call of Duty since 2010, before making the change to compete in Fortnite.
He has recently put his tournament days behind him as he took on a new role as the Competitive Director for Xen and furthermore, now helps out with Talent Acquisition, finding the best suitable creators to join our family next.