Xen Peachy
Eva, also known as "Xen Peachy" and "PeachyEve," is 25 years old and was born and raised in Denmark (Scandinavia).
Eva has always loved learning, being creative, and playing video games. Since a young age, she has enjoyed working and being creative, especially combining those two passions. From the age of 18, Eva worked as a manager in the restaurant and fast-food industry, steadily progressing to develop a love and skill for management.
Since then, she has shifted her focus to the more creative realm and become a graphic designer. It started as a hobby, but she spent 2 years perfecting her skills and is entirely self-taught in graphic design, UI/UX, and animation, while continuing to learn more every day. To further enhance her skills, she is starting school as a Multimedia Designer to refine her abilities in coding and UI/UX design.
Eva has always been a 'Cozy gamer' and grew up playing a lot of Sims and classic games. Since then, she has developed a fondness for Fortnite but still enjoys her cozy games.